Fire Buffs promote the general welfare of the fire and rescue service and protect its heritage and history. Famous Fire Buffs through the years include Edward VII, who maintained a kit at a London fire station.

August 31, 2012


On Oct. 10, 1957, fire struck Pile 1 at the Windscale nuclear power station in West Cumbria. "There was no smoke and no flames and most local people were oblivious to what is generally seen as the world's first nuclear accident," the BBC said. It took several tries for nuclear station personnel  to suppress the flames. 

August 05, 2012


On May 24, 1891, London fireman George Byne was seriously injured in a rescue attempt at the home of a nobleman - Lord William Romilly, 2nd Baron Romilly. Romilly died as did his maid and cook. The butler and another servant escaped. The New York Times said Romilly "upset a paraffine lamp in the drawing room in his London residence. He was alone at the time and vainly attempted to extinguish the fire unassisted."